
How to Add Connections on LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Guide

Will Yates
July 15, 2024
min read

How to Add Connections on LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Guide

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for professional networking, allowing you to connect with colleagues, industry leaders, and potential employers.

Today, according to BusinessofApps, LinkedIn has over 990 million members.

Building a robust network can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. We've put together a step-by-step guide on how to add connections on LinkedIn and get the most out of your network.

Top tip: Having all the contacts is great, but knowing which ones to reach out to and then doing it all at scale can be a headache, that’s where businesses like B2B-AI come in. We’re a B2B email and LinkedIn automation agency designed specifically for personalised automated outreach. Why not book a call with us today and see if it’s worth automating your outreach?

Why Use LinkedIn for Networking?

Firstly, LinkedIn offers a vast professional network where you can connect with industry professionals, potential employers, and colleagues globally. It allows you to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements in a professional manner, making it easier for others to discover and connect with you.

Secondly, LinkedIn provides opportunities to join industry groups and participate in discussions relevant to your field. This can help you stay updated on industry trends, gain insights from peers, and establish yourself as a knowledgeable professional.

LinkedIn is also a powerful tool for job hunting and career advancement. Many employers and recruiters use LinkedIn to search for and vet candidates. By maintaining an active and professional presence on LinkedIn, you increase your visibility to potential employers and open yourself up to new career opportunities.

Lastly, LinkedIn offers features like recommendations, endorsements, and skill validations, which can boost your credibility and reputation within your professional network.

Adding Connections on LinkedIn: Step By Step

Step 1: Log in to Your LinkedIn Account

First, visit the LinkedIn website or open the LinkedIn app on your mobile device. Enter your email and password, then click the "Sign In" button to access your account.

linkedin connections

Step 2: Navigate to the Search Bar

Once logged in, you'll see a search bar at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. This is where you can search for people you know or want to connect with.

linkedin navigation

Step 3: Search for a Connection

Type the name of the person you want to connect with in the search bar and press "Enter." LinkedIn will display a list of profiles matching the name you entered. Browse through the results to find the correct person.

linkedin new connections

Step 4: Visit the Person's Profile

Click on the name or profile picture of the person you want to connect with. This will take you to their LinkedIn profile page, where you can learn more about their professional background and interests.

linkedin profile

Step 5: Click the "Connect" Button

On the person’s profile page, you’ll see a “Connect” button located near their name and photo. Click on this button to initiate the connection request.

Step 6: Add a Personalised Message (Optional but Recommended)

After clicking "Connect," a pop-up window will appear, giving you the option to add a personalised message. It’s a good practice to include a brief message explaining why you want to connect. This can help make a positive impression and increase the likelihood of your request being accepted. For example:

“Hi [Name], I noticed we both work in [industry/field], and I would love to connect and share insights. Looking forward to staying in touch!”

Step 7: Send the Connection Request

Once you’ve written your personalised message, click the “Send” button to send your connection request. LinkedIn will notify the person about your request, and they can choose to accept or ignore it.

Step 8: Wait for a Response

After sending the connection request, all you need to do is wait for the person to accept it. LinkedIn will notify you once your request has been accepted, and the new connection will appear in your network.

linkedin network pending

Step 9: Engage with Your New Connection

Once your connection request is accepted, take the opportunity to engage with your new connection. Send a follow-up message thanking them for connecting, and consider sharing relevant content or insights that might be of interest to them.

Optimise Your Profile

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete, professional, and engaging. Use a high-quality profile picture, write a compelling headline, and create a detailed summary that highlights your skills, experiences, and goals. Include keywords relevant to your industry to make your profile more discoverable.

A good example of an optimised profile can be seen on SEO expert Neil Patel's LinkedIn page.

business owner neil patel

Share Valuable Content

Regularly share articles, insights, and updates relevant to your industry. Posting original content, such as blog posts or videos, can showcase your expertise and attract engagement from your network. Engage with content posted by others by liking, commenting, and sharing.

A few examples of the type of content you can share on LinkedIn to expand your network and grow your follower base are as follows:

  • Industry News and Trends: Share articles and updates about the latest happenings in your industry to keep your network informed.
  • Original Articles: Write and publish articles on topics you’re knowledgeable about to showcase your expertise.
  • Professional Achievements: Announce promotions, awards, certifications, or any significant milestones in your career.
  • Company Updates: Share news about your company, such as product launches, events, or company culture highlights.
  • Thought Leadership Posts: Share your insights and opinions on industry-related topics to position yourself as a thought leader.
  • Case Studies and Success Stories: Highlight successful projects or case studies that demonstrate your skills and the impact of your work.
  • Educational Content: Post tips, how-to guides, or informative content that can help others in your industry.
  • Event Participation: Share your experiences from attending conferences, webinars, or industry events.
  • Networking Opportunities: Promote events or networking opportunities that might be beneficial to your connections.
  • Job Opportunities: Share job postings or hiring announcements to help your network find opportunities.
  • Engaging Questions: Ask thought-provoking questions to encourage engagement and discussions in the comments.
  • Visual Content: Use images, infographics, and videos to make your posts more engaging and visually appealing.
  • Client Testimonials: Share positive feedback from clients to build credibility and trust with your audience.
  • Project Updates: Keep your network updated on the progress of significant projects you’re working on.
  • Personal Development: Share books, courses, or resources that have helped you in your professional growth.

Sharing a mix of these content types can help keep your LinkedIn feed dynamic, engaging, and valuable to your connections.

Join and Participate in Groups

LinkedIn Groups are a great way to connect with professionals who share your interests or work in your industry. Join relevant groups and actively participate in discussions. This can increase your visibility and help you connect with like-minded individuals.

To explore the LinkedIn Groups page:

  • Step 1: Click on the “Work” icon in the top right corner of the LinkedIn homepage.
  • Step 2: Select “Groups” from the dropdown menu. This will take you to the Groups page, where you can see your existing groups and discover new ones.
  • Step 3: Click on “Discover” to view suggested groups based on your profile, connections, and interests.
linkedin groups
join linkedin groups

Attend LinkedIn Events

LinkedIn hosts various virtual events, webinars, and live sessions. Attending these events can provide opportunities to learn, engage with content, and network with attendees. Look for events relevant to your industry and participate actively.

The types of events you may see include:

  • Fundraising events, such as galas or silent auctions  
  • Educational webinars and workshops
  • Panel discussions and fireside chats
  • Conference keynotes
  • Program launch events

Utilise the “People You May Know” Feature

LinkedIn’s “People You May Know” feature suggests potential connections based on your existing network, profile information, and interactions. Regularly review these suggestions and send connection requests to individuals who align with your professional interests.

You can get to the "People You May Know" section by clicking on "My Network" at the top of your LinkedIn page.

more linkedin connections

Personalise Connection Requests

When sending connection requests, always include a personalised message. Mention how you found the person, any mutual connections or shared interests, and why you want to connect. Personalised messages are more likely to be accepted than generic requests.

Leverage Your Existing Network

Ask your current connections for introductions to people and other professionals you’d like to meet. You can also collaborate on posts or projects with your existing connections, which can increase your visibility to their networks.

Here's a template you can use to ask your current LinkedIn connections for introductions to other professionals you'd like to meet:

Hi [Connection's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out because I’m currently looking to expand my network within [specific industry or field] and I noticed that you are connected with [Professional's Name]. Given your relationship with [Professional's Name] and my interest in [specific area or goal], I thought you might be able to facilitate an introduction.

[Professional's Name] has a background in [mention specific area or expertise that interests you], which aligns with my current focus on [your specific area or goal]. I believe connecting with [Professional's Name] could be mutually beneficial as we share common interests in [mention any shared interests, projects, or goals].

If you feel comfortable, could you kindly introduce me to [Professional's Name]? I would be grateful for the opportunity to connect and explore potential collaborations or simply exchange insights. Below, I’ve included a brief message that you can use to introduce me:

Sample Introduction Message:

Hi [Professional's Name],

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to introduce you to [Your Name], a professional in [your industry or field] who is currently focused on [specific area or goal]. [Your Name] has a keen interest in [mention any relevant interest or expertise], and I believe you both could have a valuable and insightful conversation.

[Your Name], meet [Professional's Name], [Professional's Name]'s brief background or title. I think you’ll find [Professional's Name]’s work in [specific area or expertise] particularly interesting and relevant to what you’re working on.

I’ll let you both take it from here. Looking forward to hearing how your conversation goes.

Best regards, [Connection's Name]

With this template, you simplify the introduction process by telling them exactly how they can go about introducing you.

Follow Influencers and Companies

Follow industry leaders, influencers, and companies relevant to your field. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing. This can help you get noticed by these individuals and their followers, leading to potential new connections.

Engage with Alumni Networks

Connect with alumni from your school or university to build relationships and attract more connections. LinkedIn provides tools to search for alumni and see where they work. Reach out to them, mentioning your shared educational background as a common ground.

Use LinkedIn’s Advanced Search

LinkedIn’s advanced search feature allows you to find people based on specific criteria, such as location, industry, company, and more. Use this feature to identify potential connections that align with your professional goals.

You can even use influencer marketing search tools to help you find influencers to follow and possibly reach out to on LinkedIn.

Showcase Your Work

Use LinkedIn’s features to showcase your work, such as the Featured section, where you can highlight posts, articles, or projects. This can demonstrate your expertise and attract connections interested in your work.

featured linkedin work

The types of work you can showcase on LinkedIn include:

Types of Work to Showcase on LinkedIn

Professional Achievements

Highlight major milestones such as promotions, awards, certifications, or any notable accomplishments in your career. These achievements demonstrate your career growth and expertise.


Share details about significant projects you’ve worked on, especially those that had a measurable impact. Include the project goals, your role, the outcomes, and any notable skills or tools used.


If you’ve authored or contributed to books, articles, research papers, or industry reports, share these publications. Provide links to the full text if available, and summarize the key points and your contributions.

Presentations and Speaking Engagements

Showcase any presentations, webinars, or speaking engagements you’ve delivered. Upload slides, videos, or links to the events, and describe the topics covered and the audience’s response.

Awards and Recognitions

List any awards, recognitions, or honours you’ve received from professional organisations, industry bodies, or academic institutions. These accolades can validate your expertise and contributions.

Certifications and Courses

Highlight any relevant certifications, online courses, or professional development programs you’ve completed. Include details about the issuing organisation and the skills or knowledge gained.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Share detailed case studies or success stories from your work. Describe the problem, your approach, the solution, and the positive outcomes achieved. This can be particularly effective for showcasing problem-solving skills.

Volunteer Work and Community Involvement

Highlight your involvement in volunteer activities, community service, or non-profit work. This can show your commitment to social responsibility and your willingness to contribute beyond your professional duties.

Creative Work

If you’re in a creative field, showcase your portfolio, including design work, artwork, photography, videos, or any other creative projects. Use LinkedIn’s media features to display these visually appealing works.

Technical Skills and Demonstrations

Share examples of technical work, such as software development projects, engineering designs, data analyses, or other technical demonstrations. Include links to repositories, code snippets, or detailed descriptions of your work.

Final Word

Building a robust LinkedIn network is a strategic process that begins with adding connections and expands through consistent engagement and value sharing. Whether you’re a professional, a B2B or B2C business, or an influencer, LinkedIn is a powerful tool.

By understanding the fundamentals of sending personalised connection requests, actively participating in LinkedIn Groups, leveraging the platform’s advanced search features, and consistently sharing relevant and insightful content, you can significantly grow your professional network.

Remember, the key to a successful LinkedIn presence lies not just in the number of connections, but in cultivating meaningful relationships and contributing to your professional community.

As you navigate your LinkedIn journey, focus on quality interactions, stay engaged with your network, and continually seek out opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals. This proactive approach will help you build a dynamic, supportive, and influential network that can propel your career forward.

At B2B-AI, we help you build connections through strategic email marketing and LinkedIn automation outreach. If you'd like to learn more about how we can assist you, reach out today.

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